Getting Started

Who is eligible for this recycling service?
City of Laredo residents living in single family home or building that is eligible. City representatives are available to help determine eligibility. Call 796-1098.

The blue recycling containers hold up to 96 gallons of recyclables and has a weight capacity of 250 pounds. Blue bins provide more secure storage for recycling materials. Covered containers keep the material dry and safe from winds. As an incentive for residents to continue recycling or begin recycling with the convenience of the blue bin; recycling and trash carts have wheels to make it easy to move to the collection point, which is in the same area as your current trash collection.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions are available online here.
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City staff are available to provide presentations regarding the residential recycling program, business recycling program, or waste management. Please contact our office at (956) 796-1098 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.